Basic Dos and Don'ts - Yuupz - Product Review

Basic Dos and Don’ts

Community Guideline

We value your contributions and encourage you to interact with Yuupz community member.  We also want to make sure that Yuupz is a safe, unbiased and trustworthy source for product information and advice. To achieve this goal, we hope that you can abide the following guideline for reviews. Please also take note that these posting guidelines are subject to change without notice, from time to time at our sole discretion. We also reserve the right to remove reviews or other content, remove listings, and deactivate member accounts which we deem violated our rules.


To contribute to our review/comments or to follow other Yuupz’s community member, you must be at least 16 years old and above.

Inappropriate content

Content you submit should be relevant and based on your own honest opinions and experience. If you’re reviewing a product listing, be detailed about your experience. In some cases, we may not accept reviews if we believe the main feature(s) of the service or product haven’t been used. Comments should be related to the review you are posting under and answers should be informative and be relevant to the question you are answering. Please do not post content that contains intolerance or vilification of other people’s race, culture, beliefs, physical or mental conditions, gender, religion, age, etc

Basic Dos and Don'ts

~ Be detailed and provide unbiased review

~ Include product identifying information such as model numbers, types etc

~ Don’t abuse, attack or threaten anyone

~ Don’t post personal details such as names, phone numbers or email addresses

~ Don’t swear and don’t SHOUT

Personal attacks

Do not post personal attacks, threats or insults directed at other people. Please also refrain from responding to personal attacks in a similar manner as your account may be removed too. Instead, report the content or to our email at

Personal reprisals against staff or business owners

Don’t post personal reprisals against staff or business owners. If your listing has been affected by a personal vendetta you should report the review to our content team via our email at and provide as much evidence as you can.

Intolerance and abusively

Don’t post content that contains intolerance or abuse of other people’s race, culture, beliefs, physical or mental conditions, gender, religion, age, etc.


Do not swear word or using acronym or using asterisks or misspell words with the similar meaning while posting any reviews or comments.


Do not post advertising link or promotional content in your reviews and comments. Product recommendations are acceptable depending on the context.

Our content team has the final say in ambiguous cases.

External links

Don’t post external links that are irrelevant or lead to unsafe/offensive websites.

Unwanted Posting Sprees

Do not post review with multiple comments, questions or answers that add no value to the discussion.

We reserve the right to remove your content in bulk and ban your account.

Multiple Accounts

Don’t create multiple accounts. We reserve the right to remove the suspected account.

Review verification and requests for additional information

Our content team may run checks at their discretion to confirm if a reviewer has used the product or service they are reviewing. As part of these efforts, some members will need to provide additional information to confirm that they have purchased a product or are a customer of the service they are reviewing.

Legal threats policy

Removal Requests

We consider reasoned and polite requests regarding content removal. If you believe a review or other comment should be removed for breaching our Posting Guidelines, infringing or violating someone’s rights or otherwise violating the law, you should report this by email us at Please elaborate in detailed as to why you think the content needs to be removed. The more evidence you provide, the better it is for us to make a decision. Although we won’t be able to reply to every request, rest assured that we investigate every one of them.

Threatening requests

We take a zero tolerance approach to threatening requests sent to Yuupz and we reserve the right to take any or all of the following actions:

~ Removing access to Yuupz and blocking your listing to any future submission.

~ Publicising the legal threats and associated correspondence on your listing.

~ Passing on details of correspondence that appears to be an attempt to abuse our policies concerning removal to the authorised authority.

Fake positive reviews

If it becomes evident to Yuupz that a business has been posting fake reviews for their product/business listing(s), we reserve the right to take any or all of the following actions:

~Placing a large notice on the listing notifying users of fake reviews.

~Removing access to Yuupz

We have a number of tools and procedures to identify fake submissions and reserve the right to impose these penalties on any business trying to manipulate our rating system. We also work closely with the CASE and reserve the right to submit all our findings to them if required.

Fake negative reviews

If you have evidence that a negative review for your product isting is fake, please report it using by email to us at Provide as much evidence as you can to support your claims.

We take a zero tolerance approach to competitors submitting negative reviews on other businesses and have very sophisticated tools in identifying such fake reviews. We reserve the right to take any or all of the following actions:

~Placing a large notice on the listing notifying users of fake reviews.

~Removing access to Yuupz review platform.

~ Submitting the case to the authorised authority.